
One corridor, 5 key partners



Enagás  is Spain’s Transmission System Operator (TSO). Founded in 1972 and with now over 1,350 employees, Enagás is also the technical manager of Spain’s gas system. In addition to its transmission activities, the company manages three underground storage facilities and eight regasification terminals. Enagás operates in seven countries: Spain, Mexico, Peru, Germany, Albania, Greece and Italy.

As part of its commitment to becoming carbon neutral by 2040, Enagás is engaged in developing the future Spanish Hydrogen Backbone, with its solid network of natural gas infrastructures as a starting point, some of which will be converted to hydrogen as demand is expected to shift. In addition to its involvement in the H2med project, Enagás aims to build a strong national hydrogen transmission network, with several projects already considered, which will lay the foundations to turn the country into Europe’s first renewable hydrogen hub.

In December 2023, and in accordance with Royal Decree-Law 8/2023, Enagás has been appointed provisional HTNO (hydrogen transmission network operator) in Spain.

12,000 km

of gas pipelines

432.4 TWh

transported in 2022

€970 million

annual revenue



GRTgaz is Europe’s second-largest gas transmission operator, with 32,618 km of pipes and 640 TWh of gas transported. The company has 3330 employees and generated nearly €2.1 billion in turnover in 2022. GRTgaz has a mission statement: “Together, we enable an energy future that is safe, affordable and climate neutral”. GRTgaz is an innovative company undergoing a major transformation to adapt its network to new ecological and digital challenges. It is committed to a 100% carbon-neutral French gas mix by 2050. It supports the hydrogen and renewable gas sectors (biomethane and gas from solid and liquid waste). GRTgaz carries out public service missions to guarantee the safety of gas transmission for its 879 clients (shippers, distributors, industrial companies, biomethane plants and producers). With its subsidiaries Elengy, the European leader in LNG terminal services, and GRTgaz Deutschland, operator of the MEGAL transmission network in Germany, GRTgaz plays a key role on the European gas infrastructure scene.

The company exports its expertise internationally, in particular services developed by its research center, RICE.


32,618 km

of gas pipelines

640 TWh

transported annually

€2.1 billion

annual revenue



OGE is one of Europe’s leading transmission system operators. With our approximately 12,000 kilometers of pipeline network, we transport gas throughout Germany and, due to our geographical location, we are the link for gas flows in the European single market. Our approximately 2,000 employees stand for security of supply. We make our network available to all market participants on a non-discriminatory, market-oriented and transparent basis. We shape energy supply. Today and in the energy mix of the future.


12,000 km

of gas pipelines

843 TWh

transported annually

€1.2 billion

annual revenue



REN – Gasodutos is Portugal’s exclusive Transmission System Operator (TSO). It is part of the REN group (“REN”), which operates both the electrical and gas transmission infrastructure in the country. With ca 719 employees, REN also operates a liquid natural gas terminal, underground gas storage facilities, as well as one gas distribution operator. The gas TSO activities started in the late nineties, when the first high pressure pipeline was created in Portugal in 1997.

REN is at the core of the energy system in Portugal and acts as an energy transition facilitator. Portugal is committed to reaching carbon neutrality by 2045. To contribute in meeting this target, REN launched the H2REN Program aiming to assure the adequacy of existing infrastructures to incorporate blending of H2 in the natural gas transmission grid and storage infrastructures and to identify the roadmap to repurpose them to 100%. Infrastructures may then gradually be converted to 100% hydrogen, to follow the transition of customer demand. Also, two new natural gas storage cavities are to be developed, with the ability from the design phase to be ready to operate in 100% hydrogen environment when required.

1,375 km

of high-pressure gas pipelines

60 TWh

transported annually

€627 million

annual revenue



Teréga  is specialized in the operation and development of gas transmission and storage infrastructures in the South West of France. Teréga operates 5,100 km of pipelines and 24.5% of French gas storage capacity, as well as the gas interconnection points between France and Spain.  With more than 75 years of experience and 650 employees today, Teréga connects several key industrial areas, including storage and consumption hubs in Port-la-Nouvelle (near Perpignan), Lacq (near Pau) and Bordeaux. The company also operates two underground storage reservoirs accounting for 24% of national storage capacity.

Teréga is committed to having 20% renewable gases flowing through the existing gas infrastructure by 2030 and achieving carbon neutrality in 2050. Teréga will have a key role in developing France’s hydrogen infrastructure, with the HySoW project that aims to build a dedicated hydrogen pipeline connecting these same regional hubs in the South West of France, along with an interconnection with BarMar on the eastern side of the Pyrenees planned for 2030.

5,100 km

of gas pipelines

140 TWh

transported annually

€799 million

annual revenue

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